Doherty Irish Blessings

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Elsie Ava Geddis

Sleeping so peacefully grammy and grampy just sit and wait and take pictures till she wakes up..... and wait and wait and wait.... take more pictures and wait! and then she wakes up! Finally, We Play!

Elsie and daddy

Daddy Feeding and BURPING!!! Elsie grabbing Daddys Nose

Monday, October 23, 2006

Grandpa and Elsie

Grandpa and Elsie enjoying special times in Grappy's chair

Elsie Ava Growing out of Premmie Sizes

Well our little Angel Elsie is growing and I would say she is 6+LBS as of today and finally fitting into her premmie clothes pretty good<

New Pictures Of Elsie Eva Getting Bigger

Elsie Ava with Grammy, She is going to be my little hugggy baby for sure