Doherty Irish Blessings

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Oct

My brother Garey will again be delighting the women golfers in Great Falls< MT a team participator in the annual breast cancer event auction and golf tournament. the kick off is this friday at the City Bar auction and golf tournament on saturday with all proceeds benefiting the breast cancer awareness. This is the 1st time I will be in montana to actually participate in the event with him, we have made pink shirts in memory of my sister Gayla who fought the battle so courageaously for 5 years. I can't wait to help out with this cause in her memory I've heard it is a great turnout for the event and allot of money is raised.....

Monday, May 31, 2010

Nanna 2010 Catch up Blog

Well as you can see from the picture to the left, Elsie as grown and it as been awesome watching her grow into quite the little Mommy's girl. We hae grown so accustomed to having the Geddis family David, Shannon Elsie and the newest member Bailey Marie born 10-14-2008. Bailey was born closet to term and actually came home from the hospital with mama.  She weight in at 6 lbs even and she was truly a blessing to be celebrated. Uncle Ryan was here to be part of the event and Shannon after 2 c-sections actually delivered her vaginally. It was all she ever wanted with all her high risk and bed rest from Ava and Elsie she had seen too much of the Neonatal and wanted to hold her baby after birth and be fortunate to leave the hospital with her. Believe it, SEE IT and it will happen!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Doherty Irish Blessings: My Sisters Birthday May 27th 2010

My Sisters Birthday May 27th 2010

Today is my Sisters Birthday.... This will be the 1st year we have not been together to celebrate together in someway. I am wearing a purple and red sequined baseball hat. I took a picture of myself with my phone which I am not very good at and sent to my son, in So. Cal. he was very excited to know he was not hear to go to Costco with me. Me i went happily and on my way with tears and laughter thinking of all the birthdays we shared over the years. When I returned home from shopping my daughter said "tell me you did not wear that hat out" my granddaughter Elsie innocently asked "Nana why do you have that hat on?" I proudly said it is Aunty Gayla's Bday..... to Elsie it was no big deal. She is always asking about my sister Gayla, she called her Aunty GG and then called her her favorite grandma. I'm thinking who am I, after thinking about it for some time I figured in her mind I was "Nana". These special birthdays particular the last 5 while she was fighting the battle of her life breast cancer stage 4. We made the most of it never really knowing but always hopeful we would always continue to have our birthdays. You see my sister was only 13 months older than I and she was my best friend. I miss her everyday, she was so awesome she always would buy my granddaughter Elsie presents on my birthday. When we were young girls my grand parents always gave me a present on her birthday and she received a present on mine. My Sisters 1st grandchild was born after she was called to heaven, I want her to know I celebrated her Birthday and sent her beautiful grandson some presents to celebrate your birthday. I know he won't really know but I will keep it up and I am hopeful that he will come to understand. God Bless Gayla. She passed away on 12.1.2009 and it comforts me so much to know she is taking care of my 1st granddaughter Ava Marie who died of SIDS on 10.5.2005. My Sister helped me through the loss of her as well..... I will turn 54 next month and will once again put on another purple or red hat to celebrate and remember by beautiful sister Gayla Ann. We had so many laughs and tears and yes gayla i'm smiling with tears now. I Miss calling you! allot

I love You


Saturday, May 08, 2010

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Friday, November 03, 2006

Happy Halloween - Elsie Ava Geddis

BOOOOOOOO...... From our Little Pumpkin

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Elsie Ava Geddis

Sleeping so peacefully grammy and grampy just sit and wait and take pictures till she wakes up..... and wait and wait and wait.... take more pictures and wait! and then she wakes up! Finally, We Play!

Elsie and daddy

Daddy Feeding and BURPING!!! Elsie grabbing Daddys Nose

Monday, October 23, 2006

Grandpa and Elsie

Grandpa and Elsie enjoying special times in Grappy's chair

Elsie Ava Growing out of Premmie Sizes

Well our little Angel Elsie is growing and I would say she is 6+LBS as of today and finally fitting into her premmie clothes pretty good<

New Pictures Of Elsie Eva Getting Bigger

Elsie Ava with Grammy, She is going to be my little hugggy baby for sure